Monday, August 13, 2007

Challenge #3- Blank Rooms

So, I was finally able to show the judges what I can do, and put a bit of distance between myself and the 'We don't know who your are' category. (And, I survived to play another day.)

What worked:
I totally dig the concept of the gingko re-'leaf' wallpaper panels; cheeky simple, fun.
The 'Neapolitan Ice Cream' color story (I LOVE BOLD COLOR, and my husband and I run 5 Boroughs Ice Cream...It was my shout-out to him).
The coffee table treatment. My design projects are all about imagination-- they're creative, sassy, and deliver bang for the buck. (Sorry, make that 99 cents!)

What didn't:
The actuality of the gingko leaf wallpaper. Viewing it on TV was a real lesson in "What's in your head isn't always as cool as you think it will be in reality". Also, Vern felt that my corners looked empty. (I kind of agreed. But then I'll never be accused of being a maximalist.)
In hindsight, I definitely could have executed the following:
1. Using a box cutter blade, I could've sliced out thin, vertical pinstripes in the column lamp shade = visual interest without sacrificing simplicity.
2. Tripled the amount of candles on the floating shelves, and addressed their casings with something textural to create a sculptural moment. Maybe.
I ended up HATING the green fruit/paper/table accents in the room, too. The judges nailed it: they read like after-thought's.

Final thoughts:
Hello, we're dropping like flies! This is alternately upsetting (watching friends get canceled) and a relief (maybe I'll actually be able to get into a bathroom).

Scott!!!!!!! Oh man, was I sad to see him go. He's a huge talent, a fantastic human being, and someone that I plan to call my friend for years to come.
Adrianna, too. I owe her a huge debt of gratitude for teaching me how to use power tools so that I could assist her during the kitchen challenge; Thank you, Adri!! She's a dynamo.


chular said...

I just appreciate your creativity and talent as a designer so much as well as your obviously fun and kind personality. I really like your revision ideas for this room, but I thought the original was also quite lovely. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next week!

Kim said...

Thanks, Chular!

russellbombay said...

Even though I am not a fan of the 99 cent stores, I think you did a fabulous job with this room. It's amazing the look you were able to accomplish using just items from that! I believe you have the personality and talent to be the next Design Star. I'll be rooting for you this week!

mrfurley said...

I must admit that I wasn't crazy about the paper plate technique, but I loved the idea. Too bad the 99 cent stores aren't better stocked. I think that the judges decision was pretty accurate. I thought everone's room looked professional. It's a shame that anyone had to go home because Scott & Adriana obviously have a lot of talent and seem like wonderful people, but their rooms weren't as strong as the others.

Kim said...

It's the nature of the game. People get sent home that you just know have a ton of creativity and talent. It's a stiff competition, and it's also fairly subjective --- I think that's what makes it so fun and unpredictable (fun to watch, and totally fun to take part in)!